Data Dive #2: Self-service BI and Data Literacy Initiatives šŸ§ 

Self-service business intelligence (BI) is an approach to data analytics that enables business users to access and explore data sets even if they donā€™t have a background in BI or related functions like data mining and statistical analysis.

Data Dive #2: Self-service BI and Data Literacy Initiatives šŸ§ 

Companies are aware that making profitable business choices requires quick BI insights. From the start of the project to its conclusion, they want data to guide every decision they make. They are also conscious of the necessity of investing in sufficient data literacy initiatives.

Self-service business intelligence (BI) is an approach to data analytics that enables business users to access and explore data sets even if they donā€™t have a background in BI or related functions like data mining and statistical analysis. It is an industry buzzword, compelling the push for data literacy across industries as companies recognize the benefits of commissioning BI tasks to employees.

Data democratization is crucial. It shouldnā€™t be necessary to have a computer science degree to design and implement reports, data visualizations, and analytics.

Enterprise BI tools enable you to accomplish more without the aid of specialists thanks to their pre-built workflows, intuitive interfaces, and out-of-the-box data connectors. Moreover, interactivity and augmented analytics are two BI trends that add to the mix and support autonomous tasks like on-the-fly querying and ad hoc reporting.

We see an increasing enterprise push for data literacy with major investment in self-service products and processes and personnel training as one of the key business intelligence trends of the future.

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